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 Car Maintenance

Typical car problems happen with the degradation of parts over time, which can adversely affect your car. When the check engine light comes up on your dashboard, don’t ignore it. Let Aguilar Total Auto Care’s car maintenance service immediately take care of the problem. We can handle any issue your car may have. Whether you are in need of a battery replacement or auto tune-up service, we are here to accommodate. We can even provide a standard oil change, so you don’t have to get your hands dirty. Let us make auto maintenance a more straightforward process for you. We offer brake service that will fix and maintain your brakes and ensure your safety while on the road. It’s essential to replace your brakes regularly, so they don’t deteriorate over time. This can put you and your passengers at risk of severe accidents and even more expensive auto repair costs. With full diagnostic repair, we will check your car, make any necessary fixes, and make sure it’s ready to go back out onto the road. Our first-rate repair shop will diagnose any car problems you have. Don’t ignore your auto issues! Visit our shop in Kannapolis, NC, for reliable maintenance today.

Diagnostic Test
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